News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Iraq: with friends like these 0 guardian
The closed world of an open government 0 guardian
How well do you know your neighbours? 0 guardian
Four admit to phone-hacking plots in Brooks and Coulson eras 0 guardian
Libyan PM Ali Zeidan detained by militia 8 bbc
Obama: I take full responsibility for fixing health site 3 bbc
Greysteel attack united community, priest tells memorial service 5 bbc
Woman jailed for stealing flowers from Liverpool crematorium 1 bbc
NFL meets with Native American representatives over use of 'Redskins' 0 guardian
Australia accused of using embassies to spy on neighbours 0 guardian
Russia Denies Reports It Spied on Group of 20 Officials 2 nytimes
Poundland case: government defeated again over back-to-work schemes 4 guardian
Tony Abbott defends credentials on science despite lack of minister 1 guardian
Assad Says Foreign Support for Syrian Rebels Must End 1 nytimes
Facebook shares soar after strong earnings boosted by mobile advertising 0 guardian
NSA sketches explain user data: can you do better? 0 guardian