News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Election favourite's daughter takes to the streets to win the heart of Punjab 5 guardian
Algeria says siege death toll likely to rise after 23 hostages confirmed killed 8 guardian
Sarah Palin and Fox News part ways as Tea Party favourite's contract expires 5 guardian
Father of Boston Marathon bombing suspects postpones trip to US 5 guardian
Assad says he regrets Syria forces shot down Turkish fighter jet 5 guardian
Manchester in vogue as fashion industry looks north for a party 9 guardian
NRA reveals 'school shield' plan: armed guards on every campus 'will save lives' 7 guardian
UN general assembly passes first global arms treaty 7 guardian
Help Afghan women 5 guardian
Burglars should accept risk of being shot, says judge 5 guardian
Chris Tappin denies terror links amid US charge over Iran arms deal 6 guardian
Chinese activist fears 'insane retribution' on family after escape 7 guardian
Suspension of live animal exports welcomed by RSPCA 6 guardian
NHS nurse jailed for falsifying qualifications 5 guardian
Paula Broadwell claims about Benghazi attack dismissed as 'baseless' by CIA 5 guardian
Kenya: the girl who demanded school 5 guardian