News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Christianity's resurrection day 1 guardian
Jessop hospital, Sheffield – review 1 guardian
Make the Catholic church pay for its shameful silence 1 guardian
British power elite will give David Miliband an edge in New York 1 guardian
AstraZeneca's move south will leave the north-west without a vital element 1 guardian
For scientists in a democracy, to dissent is to be reasonable 1 guardian
Ballet dancers' brains 'adapt to spins' 1 bbc
Facebook editing function raises concern over misuse 1 bbc
Planning: our rural romance mustn't stop us building homes 1 guardian
Archbishop of York shows support for troubled Leeds hospital 1 guardian
Hassan Rouhani suggests resuming direct flights between Iran and US 1 guardian
Brewster's trillions: Internet Archive strives to keep web history alive 3 guardian
Online fashion fans flash their cash as sells £32,000 dress 3 guardian
My brother died from a cot death before I was born. Yet I still miss him 3 guardian
Ad break: MTV, Wispa and Vodafone 4 guardian
UK failing to protect the Arctic from drilling, warn MPs 3 guardian