News Article Title Version Source Discovered
John Kerry: talks with Netanyahu and Abbas 'very constructive' 4 guardian
House votes to prevent US federal government shutdown amid sequester 5 guardian
Scottish miners celebrate Thatcher's funeral with whisky and morbid jokes 6 guardian
Man injured in acid attack outside home 5 guardian
Ash dieback reaches Cumbria - a county where the tree plays a special part in history and folklore 5 guardian
NYPD officer charged with plotting to kill and eat women 5 guardian
New York tourists try to make the most out of a bruised city after Sandy 5 guardian
Ukrainians protest against Russian language law 6 guardian
Stance on Syria 5 guardian
BA boss advises urgency in resolving UK airport capacity question 5 guardian
China hacking claims: tech firms move to front line in US cyberwar 8 guardian
John Kerry to be nominated to replace Hillary Clinton at State Department 6 guardian
Victim of Woolwich attack was serving soldier, police confirm 4 guardian
Deaths in custody lessons are being ignored, says charity 6 guardian
Details of Karachi fire emerge amid criticism of Pakistan's workplaces 5 guardian
Phone-hacking: Hugh Grant and others file high court claims 5 guardian