News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Monopoly makers advance to Banana Island with Lagos edition of game 6 guardian
Israel in Moscow talks to halt supply of missiles to Syrian regime 3 guardian
Royal Navy test flies new drone 6 guardian
Royal Navy test flies new drone 6 guardian
Elizabeth Colbert Busch attacks Sanford over affair during debate 10 guardian
Elizabeth Colbert Busch attacks Sanford over affair during debate 10 guardian
Sir Denis Forman dies aged 95 2 guardian
Sir Denis Forman dies aged 95 2 guardian
Justin Bieber given four weeks to sort out his monkey business 1 guardian
Nigel Farage targets Scotland with boast of success in European elections 3 guardian
'Nigeria is haunted by Biafran war' 6 guardian
Death penalty film trip: 5,000 miles of flaws and false confessions 4 guardian
Winston Churchill 'downbeat' image hung at National Portrait Gallery 6 guardian
Winston Churchill 'downbeat' image hung at National Portrait Gallery 6 guardian
Egypt condemns Israel's air strikes on Gaza as 'aggression against humanity' 7 guardian
West coast mainline fiasco was caused by 'irresponsible decision' 6 guardian