News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Royal baby phone hoax: hospital not amused at prank call 5 guardian
James Rosen: Fox News reporter targeted as 'co- conspirator' in spying case 4 guardian
Shetland asks if independence vote is chance to break away from Scotland 7 guardian
The weather in November 5 guardian
White House brushes off Republican outrage over Bin Laden son-in-law trial 5 guardian
Bristol University Christian Union performs U-turn on female speakers 5 guardian
Afghanistan halts Helmand police fuel supplies after major theft 5 guardian
Fiscal cliff: a necessary term or just language lunacy? 5 guardian
Indonesians protest over Garut chief's text-message divorce 5 guardian
So, here's a carefully packaged sentence that shows me in my best light 1 guardian
Beanotown: an imaginary world filled with menaces, minxes and dodgers 1 guardian
Sir Henry Cecil obituary 2 guardian
Exploris aquarium: Councillors defer decision on closure for two months 2 bbc
Asda 'mental patient' costume withdrawn from sale online 0 bbc
Third person dies as further Asiana Airlines crash details emerge 2 guardian
Turkey protests 'must not derail peace process with Kurdish rebels' 3 guardian