News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Australian heatwaves 'five times more likely due to global warming' 1 guardian
Japan moves closer to restarting nuclear reactors 1 guardian
Was Andy Murray's win really down to the number seven? You decide! 2 guardian
ENRC founders submit lower bid for their Kazakhstan mining company 1 guardian
Amid the showers and strawberries, Wimbledon expects Murray to shine 1 guardian
Picture of the week: Syrian Refugees In Lebanon, by Liam Maloney 1 guardian
Yosemite evacuation advisories lifted as fire crews make progress 1 guardian
My advice to Labour: be of good cheer, be bold, stop jumping at shadows 0 guardian
Ukip rails against 'climate hysteria' at party conference 0 guardian
Joe Hockey rules out GST online retail changes despite pressure from states 0 guardian
The death of the guidebook will open up new worlds 1 guardian
The press regulation charter is illiterate about the internet 2 guardian
Bolshoi dismisses claims dancers were pimped for sex 1 guardian
North Korea withdraws US envoy's invitation to visit Pyongyang 1 guardian
Britain did not turn away from Syria. The case for action was not made 1 guardian
Richard Haass to meet five main NI parties 0 bbc