News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Real Madrid Acquires Bale From Tottenham 0 nytimes
Clashes Kill at Least 15 at Iraq Camp for Iranian Dissidents 0 nytimes
How to end the silly season 0 guardian
The silence of late summer, pierced by the songs of grasshoppers 0 guardian
The true cost of compensating British slave owners 0 guardian
'Progress' reported in search for human remains at Florida reform school 0 guardian
In Syria, Anger and Mockery as Obama Delays Plan 7 nytimes
Parkland: Venice 2013 - first look review 1 guardian
Sir David Frost, broadcaster and writer, dies at 74 7 bbc
John Kerry: US 'has evidence of Syrian sarin use' 7 bbc
In praise of … Bill Shankly 0 guardian
California wildfire holds steady as firefighters curb spreading of flames 0 guardian
Real Madrid confirm signing of Gareth Bale in reported €100m deal 0 guardian
Dante Gabriel Rossetti painting to be auctioned for first time 1 guardian
Confusion, Anger and Mockery as Obama Delays Plan 6 nytimes
Saudis Try to Gather Support for a Strike 0 nytimes