News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Leader of Terrorist Group Is Arrested, India Says 3 nytimes
Cameron forced to rule out British attack on Syria after MPs reject motion 1 guardian
Syria's Bashar al-Assad will fight Western 'aggression' 9 bbc
Obama strike plans in disarray after Britain rejects use of force in Syria 0 guardian
Why is Sydney University on strike? Because students are not our 'clients' 0 guardian
Lava lamp creators mark 50 years of 1960s icon 0 bbc
Syria: Will military strikes push oil prices to record highs? 0 bbc
Male thrill seekers 'in decline' 0 bbc
Glasgow 2014: Commonwealth tickets in high demand 0 bbc
BT hangs up on dial-up internet access 0 bbc
British Chambers of Commerce: Recovery gaining momentum 0 bbc
Key quotes: Syria debate 2 bbc
David Cameron loses Commons vote on Syria action 3 bbc
Pakistan Overturns Conviction of Doctor in Bin Laden Hunt 4 nytimes
Day Starts With Upset, but Normalcy Wins Out at U.S. Open 3 nytimes
Syria's Bashar al-Assad will fight Western 'aggression' 8 bbc