News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Foreign investment makes explosive entry into election campaign 0 guardian
The rules of art: crowdsourcing a new set 0 guardian
'Jury is out' on Paralympics legacy, charities warn 1 bbc
Giant snails on advance in Florida 2 bbc
Crashed Shetland Super Puma 'lost speed and height' 2 bbc
Trafalgar Square Martin Luther King bell ringing event 3 bbc
US President Obama: 'No decision yet' on Syria strike 7 bbc
Jackson's 'drug requests ten years before death' 0 bbc
'Gambling with your health' over illegal tanning jabs 0 bbc
Net migration to UK increases - Office for National Statistics 0 bbc
Gibraltar police investigate claims of border assault on Spanish officers 1 guardian
Syria debate: Labour demands larger role for UN in any action 1 guardian
Brazil power cut leaves nine states in the dark 1 bbc
Ancient artefacts found in melting snow 1 bbc
Colombia offers deal to striking farmers 3 bbc
Indian media: Tata's concerns on struggling economy 0 bbc