News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Barack Obama: celebration time – then straight back to work for the president 4 guardian
Berlusconi brother sparks fury over Balotelli remark 3 guardian
Boy Scouts postpone vote on lifting long-standing ban on gay members 3 guardian
A modest meeting in Leeds tomorrow marks a very big step 3 guardian
Malawi: Joyce Banda has bigger problems than Madonna 2 guardian
Filipinos fathered by US soldiers fight for justice 3 guardian
Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo's wife receives visit by activists 3 guardian
In the Delhi slum home of gang-rape accused: 'We are good people' 3 guardian
Berlin Wall protests stall East Side Gallery demolition work 3 guardian
Hillary Clinton being treated for blood clot at New York-Presbyterian hospital 3 guardian
Police spies: in bed with a fictional character 7 guardian
How Richard O'Dwyer's love of films led to two-year struggle for liberty 3 guardian
Canada cuts diplomatic ties with Iran 5 guardian
US presidential debates: abortion, climate change and other missing issues 4 guardian
It's time the experts took their share of blame for high street woes 3 guardian
Silvio Berlusconi's furious debate glues Italy to television 5 guardian