News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Hugo Chávez's Venezuela: highlights from our Reddit discussion 3 guardian
Hugo Chávez enshrined as 'comandante eternal' 4 guardian
US elections: after the campaign, the hush of polling day descends 3 guardian
Indian report on gang rape receives guarded welcome from campaigners 3 guardian
Black Pete exposes the Netherlands' problem with race 3 guardian
Numbers nerd Nate Silver's forecasts prove all right on election night 3 guardian
A cosy duvet city - why York needs alternative histories 3 guardian
British ExxonMobil executive shot dead in Brussels 4 guardian
Peru's Nazi party leader believes even the conquistadors were Jews 3 guardian
Iraq crisis: Fresh bombings kill at least 13 0 bbc
Woman falls to death in Birmingham Bullring shopping centre 4 guardian
Queen guarded by the long arm and short arm of the law 4 guardian
Gove says exams in England, Wales and NI must split 2 bbc
Horsemeat tests show less than 5% of EU beef products has equine DNA 2 guardian
Church of England bishops urged to have honest discussion about gay clergy 3 guardian
Freddie Starr: media wins court battle to overturn injunction 3 guardian