News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Protest held in Bradford over Pakistan drones 'injustice' 2 guardian
Angola's ruling party wins five more years of power 2 guardian
Prisoner's 16-year fight to prise open the secrets of Operation Cactus 2 guardian
Malawian former presidential aide arrested over student activist's murder 2 guardian
Carla Bruni says Valérie Trierweiler should marry François Hollande 2 guardian
Life on board a British nuclear submarine 2 guardian
Abstain in EU vote, Tory ministers advised 1 bbc
Police accused of over-zealous reaction to poppy burning 3 guardian
Police and Crime Commissioners provide a chance for more connected policing 3 guardian
Gaza braces for invasion as death toll mounts 6 guardian
Zahia Dehar: the fashion muse at the centre of a very French scandal 2 guardian
Trim the festive norman aft: a guide to submarine slang 2 guardian
Six-year-old girl died after barbecue was brought into tent 2 guardian
Prince Harry: man found guilty of robbing friend 2 guardian
Sun journalist arrested in Operation Tuleta investigation into stolen phones 2 guardian
Rightwingers seek tweet revenge with claims of unemployment conspiracy 2 guardian