News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Half of privately owned homes are 'under-occupied' 2 guardian
House prices rise 0.8% in July 4 guardian
Venture Capitalists Are Making Bigger Bets on Food Start-Ups 1 nytimes
How will Saudi Arabia's anti-domestic violence campaign work? 1 guardian
The sinister HMRC investigation of the Goldman Sachs whistleblower 0 guardian
When China Met Africa - watch the film here 0 guardian
Iran Standard Time: Close encounter of the inebriated kind 0 guardian
May's diverse wildlife find hedgerows the perfect home 0 guardian
Arizona forces cities to re-sell weapons from gun buybacks 0 guardian
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev defence adds prominent anti-death penalty lawyer 0 guardian
Clarice Howorth obituary 0 guardian
Press regulation: Daily Telegraph embraces state-licensed press 0 guardian
Eddie Barns obituary 0 guardian
Israeli Airstrike Kills Palestinian in Gaza 5 nytimes
April Jones murder: 'Bone found at Mark Bridger's home 5 bbc
Planning rules reform could see wind farm ban in scenic Scotland 2 bbc