News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Fr Conleth Byrne gets suspended sentence for £145,000 fraud 1 bbc
DSK and the missing BlackBerry 2 guardian
Boy missing off Somerset coast 4 guardian
Italian women rise to positions of power under new prime minister 3 guardian
North Korea stages nuclear test in defiance of bans 10 guardian
Dale Cregan admits murdering police officers 3 guardian
Stephen Seddon found guilty over parents' murder 2 guardian
White House gets in the April Fools' Day mix with Kid President video 2 guardian
Fine Gael split over threesome advice 2 guardian
How Brown Moses exposed Syrian arms trafficking from his front room 2 guardian
Amina Cachalia turned down Nelson Mandela's offer of marriage, son claims 3 guardian
Crunch time: most overcrowded train service revealed 3 guardian
Colorado governor John Hickenlooper signs new gun control legislation 3 guardian
UN staff jailed in Burma 3 guardian
Essex lion hunt is serious, say police 3 guardian
It's not 'whale vomit', it's ambergris. It's a nice word, and useful, so let's use it 2 guardian