News Article Title Version Source Discovered
National parks get extra funds to bury power lines 3 guardian
London pavement blasts believed to be caused by fault in electricity network 3 guardian
Bristol mayor puts party politics aside in pursuit of city revamp 4 guardian
Chelsea Flower Show visited by the Queen 3 bbc
Apple accused of 'highly questionable' billion-dollar tax avoidance scheme 0 guardian
Conservative party: a spiral of irrelevance 0 guardian
Jim Davidson re-arrested over allegations of sexual offences 4 guardian
Lord McAlpine forced to leave Italian home amid media frenzy 4 guardian
Exiled LGBT churchgoers set for final Soho mass 4 guardian
Avenida Brasil clash forces president to cancel rally 6 guardian
Can't wait to discover Mitt Romney's VP pick? Get the app! 4 guardian
Theresa May's Christmas message stokes ire of police 3 guardian
Dale Cregan appears in court charged with murder of police officers 4 guardian
Manchester airport to abandon 'naked' security scanners 4 guardian
Spain's BBVA bank plans fire sale of toxic housing stock 4 guardian
Farmers urge minister to provide extreme weather insurance 4 guardian