News Article Title Version Source Discovered
New York State declares influenza emergency 2 bbc
Funds concern over Cardiff charity Joshua Foundation 0 bbc
Heavier snowfall predicted around large parts of UK 8 bbc
Mali: France pledges 'short' campaign against Islamists 1 bbc
India's Hindu Kumbh Mela festival begins in Allahabad 4 bbc
Australia bushfire destroys homes and damages observatory 1 bbc
Newspaper review: Pension change gets mixed reception 0 bbc
West Belfast homeless centre destroyed in fire 0 bbc
Union flag protests: UDA leaders in plea over violent opposition 0 bbc
Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games seeks 15,000 volunteers 0 bbc
Heavier snowfall predicted around large parts of UK 7 bbc
Climate change measures: Report praises politicians 1 bbc
India's Hindu Kumbh Mela festival begins in Allahabad 3 bbc
Armstrong’s Business Brand, Bound Tight With His Charity 0 nytimes
Golden Globes to ‘Argo’ and ‘Les Misérables’ 0 nytimes
Jodie Foster 'comes out' in opaque Golden Globes speech 1 guardian