News Article Title Version Source Discovered
China arrests 500 followers of religious cult over Mayan apocalypse rumours 3 guardian
Grimm brothers' celebration awakens saga of fairy tale link to German culture 1 guardian
MPs write to William Hague over UK military action in Syria 0 guardian
Former generals and diplomats urge Obama to put sanctions on table in Iran talks 0 guardian
'Golden eagle' video: birders get their talons into 'fake' footage 0 guardian
Arab-Israeli politician Haneen Zoabi disqualified from re-election 0 guardian
China's state-planned railway age outdoes Britain and America's 0 guardian
Hillsborough families move another step closer to justice 0 guardian
BBC criticised for Newsnight axed Jimmy Savile report 12 bbc
UBS fined $1.5bn for Libor rigging 8 bbc
Seized Argentina navy ship Libertad leaves Ghana 0 bbc
Eric Pickles outlines funding cuts for England councils 4 bbc
Daughter of Dictator Wins South Korea Presidency 4 nytimes
CrossCountry Trains workers suspend 24-hour strike plan 1 bbc
Obama to Give Congress Plan on Gun Control Within Weeks 0 nytimes
Bankrupt Kodak sells off patents to investors for $525m 1 bbc