News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Newspaper review: Press ponders Plebgate and Pollard 1 bbc
Ofgem told to take firmer action 2 bbc
Wales NHS attacks: Prosecutions up as campaign launches 0 bbc
A Helium Shortage Leads to Fewer Balloons in the Sky 0 nytimes
Warning of heavy rain for southern and south-west England 1 bbc
Curators discover first recordings of Christmas Day 1 bbc
Flood warnings for England and Wales 0 guardian
Homeless claims rise in Wales for second year in row 0 bbc
Norovirus: The winter vomiting bug that is hard to conquer 1 bbc
India's BJP ahead in Gujarat poll 0 bbc
Northern Ireland's five main party leaders to discuss flag protests 0 bbc
Call for rethink over older cancer patients 1 bbc
Create and Track Your Gift List, or Send a Silly Holiday Card 0 nytimes
Apocalypse postponed: How Earth survived Halley's comet in 1910 0 guardian
Claire Danes baby: it's a boy 0 guardian
UBS faces Hong Kong investigation 1 bbc