News Article Title Version Source Discovered
UK must plan for Mumbai-style attack, says minister 4 bbc
Avenida Brasil clash forces president to cancel rally 1 guardian
Kim Jong-un's nephew labels him a dictator in rare television interview 0 guardian
Green party candidate Jill Stein's arrest highlights presidential debate stitch-up 0 guardian
Google shares suspended after accidental release of earnings result 0 guardian
Harlow house fire police find no accelerant at scene 0 guardian
Lady O'Neill confirmed as Equality and Human Rights Commission chair 0 guardian
Debate decoder: the first 2012 presidential debate deconstructed 1 guardian
Chelmsford food bank defends Champagne launch event 1 bbc
Samsung Galaxy Tab 'does not copy Apple's iPad designs' 5 guardian
Harlow fire deaths: Fifth child dies 0 bbc
Catherine Gowing: sister appeal to find missing vet 1 bbc
Bradley Wiggins Olympic throne goes under hammer 3 bbc
David Cameron stands by 'lowest' energy tariff vow 12 bbc
Iron-Dumping Experiment in Pacific Alarms Marine Experts 0 nytimes
BBC World Service to lose 73 jobs 1 bbc