News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Rental costs in private sector 'at record', LSL says 5 bbc
Female genital mutilation banned under Somalia's new constitution 0 guardian
Binyamin Netanyahu's aides launch stinging rebuke to Israeli president 0 guardian
370 have University of Ulster offers withdrawn 3 bbc
A-level results: 250,000 in wait for university places 8 bbc
Travelodge agrees deal to cut debts 0 bbc
German court widens army's internal crisis role 1 bbc
Drug user with anthrax infection dies in Lancashire 1 bbc
Anglesey council to decide £100m Holyhead marina plan 0 bbc
Big Bang star Mayim Bialik returns to work after crash 0 bbc
Pussy Riot found guilty of hooliganism by Moscow court 0 bbc
Japan deports activists in disputed islands row 3 bbc
Ian Brady 'may have revealed' Keith Bennett burial place 9 bbc
South Africa's Lonmin Marikana mine clashes killed 34 5 bbc
Giant Paralympic symbol the Agitos unveiled in Cardiff 1 bbc
School playing fields: Government apology for wrong data 7 bbc