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Mark Kermode's DVD round-up 0 guardian
Support? Criticism? The IMF's view of the UK offers something for everyone 0 guardian
Under Our Skin: A White Family's Journey Through South Africa's Darkest Years by Donald McRae – review 0 guardian
New to nature No 74: Ripipteryx mopana 0 guardian
Natalia Kaliada: 'In Belarus it's very simple – everything's repressed' 0 guardian
Callum Roberts: if seas are to survive, we need a New Deal for the Oceans 0 guardian
Race to map Africa's forgotten glaciers before they melt away 0 guardian
Houla massacre: who decides what is too shocking to print? 0 guardian
How could Spain's 'secure' banks descend into crisis? 0 guardian
With $30bn, BP can find new partners after its dance with the Great Bear 0 guardian
Dare nine men defy the siren call of Christine Lagarde? 0 guardian
Bank bailout makes Spaniards question their future as euro agonies mount 0 guardian
Job promotions 'reduce the risk of a heart attack' 0 guardian
When the Queen showed her true colours 0 guardian
How British children have embraced the high school prom 0 guardian
Gareth Malone: he wants to teach the world to sing 0 guardian