News Article Title Version Source Discovered
The IOC's superwoman complex: how flawed sex-testing discriminates 0 guardian
Cleaning up India's waste: but what is the future for army of tip pickers? 0 guardian
BET awards show honors Whitney Houston with songs and tributes 0 guardian
Banks are serially corrupt. But Vince Cable's shareholder plan won't work 0 guardian
Libor scandal: George Osborne to announce independent inquiry 3 guardian
Police budget cuts 'risk to three forces', HMIC warns 6 bbc
Taliban bodies are 'returned to Pakistan for burial' 1 bbc
Syria crisis, Libya unrest – live updates 8 guardian
Banks could face criminal probe as SFO considers evidence 1 bbc
Talks on global arms treaty set to begin in New York 0 bbc
Wales police cuts: Drop in officer posts will 'affect public safety' 0 bbc
Queen costs taxpayers extra £200,000 5 bbc
Liam Fox urges government to issue 'quit EU' ultimatum 5 bbc
Ancient Timbuktu mosque attacked by Islamists 1 guardian
Liam Fox: life outside European Union holds no terror 1 guardian
Children's bookshops 'buck UK High Street decline' 1 bbc