News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Call for moratorium over rural school closures 0 bbc
Newspaper review: Sepp Blatter's Fifa future considered 1 bbc
New Welsh ambulance fleet off road due to safety fears 2 bbc
Hundreds in Coventry city centre disorder 1 bbc
Academic's fears over Welsh universities fee rise 2 bbc
Loan fee scams to be stopped by OFT 2 bbc
Boy, six, dies in Leeds flats fall 1 bbc
Iran: Haleh Sahabi dies at funeral of Ezatollah Sahabi 0 bbc
Bolivia apologises to Argentina for Iran minister visit 0 bbc
US man held for 'Thai monarchy insult' appeals to Obama 0 bbc
'Concern' over ME viral link data 1 bbc
Report challenges Haiti earthquake death toll 1 bbc
Campaigners warn over incapacity benefit changes 3 bbc
Patient abuse caught on film labelled 'torture' 9 bbc
Brighton Fashion Week displays 'Roadkill Couture' 0 bbc
UK manufacturing growth slows to 20 month-low in May 0 bbc