News Article Title Version Source Discovered
7 questions on High Street shops 0 bbc
Duane Eddy and Richard Hawley bring back the twang 0 bbc
Royal tour: Canada learns to love the monarchy 0 bbc
Google+ challenges Facebook in social network battle 0 bbc
Indonesia's maid trade thrives despite Saudi execution 0 bbc
Doctors debate changes to clocks 0 bbc
MPs campaign to relax smoking ban in pubs 0 bbc
Japan's factory output rebounds as conditions improve 0 bbc
Mounting concerns over legal aid cuts 0 bbc
UK students face Scottish university fees 1 bbc
Kabul's Intercontinental Hotel attacked by gunmen 7 bbc
Kabul's Intercontinental Hotel attacked by gunmen 6 bbc
BBC complaints process 'too complex', Lords says 1 bbc
Kabul's Intercontinental Hotel attacked by gunmen 5 bbc
Heated diplomacy behind Palestinian statehood bid 0 bbc
Work starts on Cranbrook new town in east Devon 0 bbc