News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Hague reaffirms UK's commitment to Afghanistan 1 bbc
Rangers and Celtic urges bigotry law delay 0 bbc
Al Capone's gun sold for £67,250 at auction 0 bbc
Federal Reserve cuts its US economic growth forecast 3 bbc
Hague reaffirms UK's commitment to Afghanistan 0 bbc
Singer Glen Campbell suffering from Alzheimer's disease 0 bbc
Greece austerity: PM Papandreou tries to persuade MPs 2 bbc
France wants more regulation of food commodity prices 5 bbc
Afghanistan: Barack Obama to unveil troop pullout plan 7 bbc
Blackburn neglect charge couple 'tried to switch twins' 1 bbc
Gay sports stars in No 10 to back anti-homophobia plan 1 bbc
Peers attack Nick Clegg's Lords reform plans 1 bbc
Galliano blames Paris 'race outbursts' on addictions 6 bbc
Blackberry Hill Hospital toilet roll choke death accidental 0 bbc
North Dakota city Minot evacuates amid flooding fears 0 bbc
Libya UK operations cost £250m so far - sources 0 bbc