News Article Title Version Source Discovered
World voices: Obama's big day 1 bbc
Brown backs down in expenses row 7 bbc
Judge halts 9/11 Guantanamo trial 1 bbc
Culture clash over Cornish jetty 3 bbc
President Obama tackles first day 9 bbc
Culture clash over Cornish jetty 2 bbc
Islam film Dutch MP to be charged 6 bbc
Burmese men's survival tale doubt 0 bbc
China to pour $120bn into health 0 bbc
Trial for Swiss BMW 'blackmailer' 0 bbc
Chemists to provide obesity pill 0 bbc
Ex-KGB spy buys UK paper for £1 6 bbc
Israel to probe phosphorus claims 7 bbc
Israel to probe phosphorus claims 6 bbc
Islam film Dutch MP to be charged 5 bbc
GM loses top sales spot to Toyota 0 bbc