News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Tories dispute 'gay sin' comments 4 bbc
Funeral for Iraq death medic held 6 bbc
Global net use makes rapid rise 0 bbc
Many dead in fresh Iraq attacks 2 bbc
Putin steps up missiles warning 3 bbc
Divorce heir 'gave fake e-mails' 1 bbc
3,000 speed cases to be quashed 0 bbc
Osborne joins Tory campaign trail 0 bbc
Kluk priest 'lied' over trapdoor 4 bbc
Trial told of 'dishonest' priest 3 bbc
Degree classes 'not comparable' 2 bbc
Saudis foil 'air attack plotters' 2 bbc
Gott in Himmel! 4 bbc
Voters' Panel - Leader views 2 bbc
Funeral for Iraq death medic held 5 bbc
Divorce heir 'gave fake e-mails' 0 bbc