News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Ban to meet Burma's top general 1 bbc
Fans await Champions League final 5 bbc
Aid workers abducted in Somalia 1 bbc
Berlusconi hosts Naples meeting 1 bbc
Youth crime drive has 'no impact' 4 bbc
China warns over quake corruption 2 bbc
China warns over quake corruption 1 bbc
Israel-Syria confirm peace talks 3 bbc
Israel-Syria confirm peace talks 4 bbc
Youth crime drive has 'no impact' 3 bbc
Dalai Lama addresses Parliament 4 bbc
Archers' Mrs Antrobus dies at 94 1 bbc
Senior IRA leader dies of cancer 3 bbc
'Highest Eta commander' arrested 5 bbc
Climbers scale Everest after ban 0 bbc
Weak dollar pushes oil near $130 0 bbc