News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Unions Skeptical Trump’s Trade Deal Will Bring Back Auto Jobs 0 nytimes
Will Impeachment Change 2020? 0 nytimes
Australia urged to give visas to Iraqi translators who worked for ADF 0 guardian
New Zealand volcano: police may do rushed body retrieval despite eruption risk 0 guardian
Hendrix? Hepburn? Study busts myths about origins of UK's parakeets 0 guardian
How much do we really know about why we give to charity? 0 bbc
My Money: 'My mate spent £6 on four Hula Hoops packs' 0 bbc
How millennials are changing the perfume business 0 bbc
Chemists demand clarity on cannabis-related goods 0 bbc
'I order takeaways six nights a week' 0 bbc
'My boss lets us book hangover days' 0 bbc
Trump tariff deadline looms: 'It's very scary' 0 bbc
Trump Orders Wider Definition of Judaism Aids Crackdown on Colleges 6 nytimes
House passes bill establishing Space Force, parental leave for federal workers 6 washpo
Aid groups: City of Hodeida top dangerous place in Yemen war 0 washpo
George Laurer, Who Developed the Bar Code, Is Dead at 94 1 nytimes