News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Grenfell Tower report to be released a day before Brexit deadline 0 guardian
Iraqi police open fire on protesters in Baghdad on fourth day of unrest 0 guardian
Paris police HQ attack: search continues in bid to find killer’s motive 0 guardian
Former Conservative MP Rory Stewart standing down 2 bbc
Iraq Struggles to Contain Wave of Chaotic Protests 1 nytimes
Your Friday Briefing 0 nytimes
Viktorija Sokolova: Schoolgirl 'wanted to die' 0 bbc
Melissa Tate death: Girl's donated organs 'save four lives' 1 bbc
Ukraine plane crash: Five die as Antonov crash-lands near Lviv 1 bbc
Jittery markets eye US jobs numbers amid global recession fears – business live 4 guardian
Paris police HQ attack: search continues in bid to find killer’s motive 0 guardian
Hong Kong bans face masks after months of protests 3 bbc
After the Niger Ambush, I Trusted the Army to Find Answers. Instead, I Was Punished. 0 nytimes
‘Feeding Frenzy’: How New Yorkers Plundered the Chicago Taxi Trade 0 nytimes
How Does It Feel to Be Impeached? These Mayors Can Tell You All About It. 0 nytimes
Egypt’s Harsh Crackdown Quashes Protest Movement 0 nytimes