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General election: Tories accuse Corbyn of 'lying to public' about what UK-US trade talks dossier reveals – live news General election: Tories accuse Corbyn of 'lying to public' about what UK-US trade talks dossier reveals – live news
(32 minutes later)
Labour leader says he has obtained 451 pages of unredacted documents that reveal the US is demanding NHS services are part of trade negotiationsLabour leader says he has obtained 451 pages of unredacted documents that reveal the US is demanding NHS services are part of trade negotiations
The Tories could be on track for a majority of 68 seats, according to one poll published this evening.
The YouGov poll for the Times suggests that, were the election to be held right now, the Conservatives could win 359 seats, against 211 for Labour, 43 for the SNP 43 and 13 for the Lib Dems 13.
Those results would see the Tories up 42 seats on 2017 and Labour down 51.
The paper reports that the seat-by-seat analysis was based on more than 100,000 interviews conducted over seven days and produced using a polling model that accurately predicted the outcome of the 2017 election.
However, the Times reports, at least 30 seats have relatively small projected margins of victory for the Conservatives. And the pollster warned that a relatively small fall in Tory support could deny the party’s suggested majority.
There are also two weeks of campaigning to go.
The prime minister has faced an awkward encounter with a group of nurses in Cornwall as they grilled him over his promise to boost NHS nursing numbers:
Having stood down at the dissolution of parliament, Dominic Cummings was briefly reinstated to help the prime minister on the government’s response to the flooding that hit the Midlands and northern England earlier this month.Having stood down at the dissolution of parliament, Dominic Cummings was briefly reinstated to help the prime minister on the government’s response to the flooding that hit the Midlands and northern England earlier this month.
The Cabinet Office revealed the move to the Lib Dems’ Brexit spokesman, Tom Brake, in a letter dated Friday 22 November. Brake had written to the Cabinet secretary, Sir Mark Sedwill, seeking clarification on Cummings’s status, citing “media reports Dominic Cummings has been in more regular communication with campaign staff over the last week”.The Cabinet Office revealed the move to the Lib Dems’ Brexit spokesman, Tom Brake, in a letter dated Friday 22 November. Brake had written to the Cabinet secretary, Sir Mark Sedwill, seeking clarification on Cummings’s status, citing “media reports Dominic Cummings has been in more regular communication with campaign staff over the last week”.
The Cabinet Office’s response read:The Cabinet Office’s response read:
Jeremy Corbyn has again stopped short of apologising to the UK’s Jewish community for antisemitism within Labour’s ranks. Asked by the Press Association if he would apologise for such incidents, as well as his handling of the issue, the Labour leader said:Jeremy Corbyn has again stopped short of apologising to the UK’s Jewish community for antisemitism within Labour’s ranks. Asked by the Press Association if he would apologise for such incidents, as well as his handling of the issue, the Labour leader said:
Pressed on whether that was as good as a personal apology, Corbyn said:Pressed on whether that was as good as a personal apology, Corbyn said:
The prime minister’s senior aide, Dominic Cummings, has resigned as a special adviser, according to a Cabinet Office source.The prime minister’s senior aide, Dominic Cummings, has resigned as a special adviser, according to a Cabinet Office source.
Cummings, who was a senior figure in the Vote Leave campaign before starting as an adviser to Boris Johnson in July. His appointment at No 10 came only four months after he was found in contempt of parliament for refusing to appear before MPs investigating false news stories during the EU referendum campaign.Cummings, who was a senior figure in the Vote Leave campaign before starting as an adviser to Boris Johnson in July. His appointment at No 10 came only four months after he was found in contempt of parliament for refusing to appear before MPs investigating false news stories during the EU referendum campaign.
Earlier today, he published a blog post warning pro-Brexit voters that a Conservative victory is not yet in the bag (see 5.16pm).Earlier today, he published a blog post warning pro-Brexit voters that a Conservative victory is not yet in the bag (see 5.16pm).
Responding to a query about whether or not the publication of the post constituted a breach of the general election purdah rules imposed on special advisers, a Cabinet Office source confirmed Cummings had “resigned following the dissolution of parliament ... along with the majority of special advisers”, on 6 November.Responding to a query about whether or not the publication of the post constituted a breach of the general election purdah rules imposed on special advisers, a Cabinet Office source confirmed Cummings had “resigned following the dissolution of parliament ... along with the majority of special advisers”, on 6 November.
While his resignation is understood to be a formality, it had been reported that Cummings intended to stay on as Johnson’s adviser, with the Tory election campaign being run by Isaac Levido.While his resignation is understood to be a formality, it had been reported that Cummings intended to stay on as Johnson’s adviser, with the Tory election campaign being run by Isaac Levido.
It is unclear what role, if any, Cummings will play if Johnson is returned to Downing Street after the election.It is unclear what role, if any, Cummings will play if Johnson is returned to Downing Street after the election.
Boris Johnson is “scared” of facing up to an interview with Andrew Neil, Labour has claimed, after its own leader’s bruising encounter with the BBC journalist on Tuesday.Boris Johnson is “scared” of facing up to an interview with Andrew Neil, Labour has claimed, after its own leader’s bruising encounter with the BBC journalist on Tuesday.
The broadcaster clarified earlier today that it had not secured an agreement with the prime minister for him to take part in its series of interviews with party leaders, as many had expected (see: 3.37pm) he would. Ian Lavery, the Labour chair, has said:The broadcaster clarified earlier today that it had not secured an agreement with the prime minister for him to take part in its series of interviews with party leaders, as many had expected (see: 3.37pm) he would. Ian Lavery, the Labour chair, has said:
A Labour source has indicated this evening that the party was led to believe Johnson was to face Neil next week.A Labour source has indicated this evening that the party was led to believe Johnson was to face Neil next week.
Jeremy Corbyn has sought to firm up the credibility of one of Labour’s most potent attack lines against the Conservatives by releasing a 451-page dossier giving details of what has been discussed in preliminary talks on a UK-US trade deal. At a dramatic press conference in London, where journalists were presented with copies of the document without warning, Corbyn said this was the evidence that left Boris Johnson’s claim the NHS was not under threat from a Trump trade deal “in tatters”. Corbyn explained:Jeremy Corbyn has sought to firm up the credibility of one of Labour’s most potent attack lines against the Conservatives by releasing a 451-page dossier giving details of what has been discussed in preliminary talks on a UK-US trade deal. At a dramatic press conference in London, where journalists were presented with copies of the document without warning, Corbyn said this was the evidence that left Boris Johnson’s claim the NHS was not under threat from a Trump trade deal “in tatters”. Corbyn explained:
Labour campaigners say the claim that a Tory Brexit would pose a threat to the NHS is one that resonates with voters and, with the polls suggesting that Johnson’s double-digit lead is holding up, Corbyn will have been hoping that this would be the bombshell that might (in the jargon) “move the dial”. Eight hours later, now that journalists have had time to study the contents of the documents (which it turns out were leaked and published in an obscure corner of the internet some weeks ago), it turns out that the material is not quite as incriminating as Corbyn implied. The documents, which set out what has been said in talks between UK and US officials over the last two years scoping out the parameters for a trade deal, do not show that the government has agreed to anything that would let American corporations take over the NHS, or that would result in the NHS having to pay higher prices for drugs. But what the documents do confirm is that the Americans do have ambitions in these areas and that, despite ministers claiming that the NHS is “not on the table”, the healthcare sector has been discussed (albeit not extensively) in these preliminary trade talks. Liz Truss, the international trade secretary, accused Corbyn of lying about the document. In a statement she said:Labour campaigners say the claim that a Tory Brexit would pose a threat to the NHS is one that resonates with voters and, with the polls suggesting that Johnson’s double-digit lead is holding up, Corbyn will have been hoping that this would be the bombshell that might (in the jargon) “move the dial”. Eight hours later, now that journalists have had time to study the contents of the documents (which it turns out were leaked and published in an obscure corner of the internet some weeks ago), it turns out that the material is not quite as incriminating as Corbyn implied. The documents, which set out what has been said in talks between UK and US officials over the last two years scoping out the parameters for a trade deal, do not show that the government has agreed to anything that would let American corporations take over the NHS, or that would result in the NHS having to pay higher prices for drugs. But what the documents do confirm is that the Americans do have ambitions in these areas and that, despite ministers claiming that the NHS is “not on the table”, the healthcare sector has been discussed (albeit not extensively) in these preliminary trade talks. Liz Truss, the international trade secretary, accused Corbyn of lying about the document. In a statement she said:
It is telling that Truss, and Johnson himself in his own response, seemed anxious to turn change the subject as quickly as possible (to antisemitism and Brexit respectively) and that strongly suggests that the Conservatives realise this is damaging, regardless of whether or not Corbyn may have over-sold the contents of his dossier. That is because in the end what would be decided in a UK-US trade deal would depend on the political dynamics at the end of the talks (not on anything in this 451-page bundle) and any judgement that voters make at this point will be a matter of trust. Any government would think twice before signing a trade deal that would imperil the NHS, because that would be politically toxic. But voters who keep hearing Johnson say that he would not put the NHS on the table in a trade deal may remember that he also made assurances to the DUP about not accepting a customs border down the Irish Sea that he merrily abandoned 12 months later. If ultimately this is a matter of trust, Johnson and the Tories are vulnerable.It is telling that Truss, and Johnson himself in his own response, seemed anxious to turn change the subject as quickly as possible (to antisemitism and Brexit respectively) and that strongly suggests that the Conservatives realise this is damaging, regardless of whether or not Corbyn may have over-sold the contents of his dossier. That is because in the end what would be decided in a UK-US trade deal would depend on the political dynamics at the end of the talks (not on anything in this 451-page bundle) and any judgement that voters make at this point will be a matter of trust. Any government would think twice before signing a trade deal that would imperil the NHS, because that would be politically toxic. But voters who keep hearing Johnson say that he would not put the NHS on the table in a trade deal may remember that he also made assurances to the DUP about not accepting a customs border down the Irish Sea that he merrily abandoned 12 months later. If ultimately this is a matter of trust, Johnson and the Tories are vulnerable.
Boris Johnson has apologised for Islamophobia within the Conservative party as a Tory candidate accused the prime minister of fanning the flames of anti-Muslim prejudice. Johnson is willing to apologise for the actions of others in this regard. However, as viewers of Question Time witnessed on Friday, he is not so keen to apologise for what he has done himself.Boris Johnson has apologised for Islamophobia within the Conservative party as a Tory candidate accused the prime minister of fanning the flames of anti-Muslim prejudice. Johnson is willing to apologise for the actions of others in this regard. However, as viewers of Question Time witnessed on Friday, he is not so keen to apologise for what he has done himself.
Nicola Sturgeon will put ending austerity, the removal of nuclear weapons from Scotland and a second independence referendum in 2020 at the heart of her party’s post-election negotiations with Labour if there is a hung parliament.Nicola Sturgeon will put ending austerity, the removal of nuclear weapons from Scotland and a second independence referendum in 2020 at the heart of her party’s post-election negotiations with Labour if there is a hung parliament.
The BBC has revealed that Boris Johnson has yet to agree a date for an interview with Andrew Neil, prompting speculation that he might try to get through the campaign without submitting himself to scrutiny from the most aggressive and formidable interviewer on TV. Tory sources will just say discussions about a date are “ongoing”. Sadly, if Johnson were to duck the Neil challenge, that would be a constitutional outrage that even the supreme court couldn’t overturn.The BBC has revealed that Boris Johnson has yet to agree a date for an interview with Andrew Neil, prompting speculation that he might try to get through the campaign without submitting himself to scrutiny from the most aggressive and formidable interviewer on TV. Tory sources will just say discussions about a date are “ongoing”. Sadly, if Johnson were to duck the Neil challenge, that would be a constitutional outrage that even the supreme court couldn’t overturn.
Jim O’Neill, a former Conservative minister who was one of the key architects of the “northern powerhouse”, has questioned whether either of the main parties are genuinely committed to devolving powers out of Whitehall.Jim O’Neill, a former Conservative minister who was one of the key architects of the “northern powerhouse”, has questioned whether either of the main parties are genuinely committed to devolving powers out of Whitehall.
Boris Johnson’s admiration for Donald Trump will lead to workers’ rights being ripped up if the Conservatives win the general election next month, the leader of Britain’s trade unionists has warned.Boris Johnson’s admiration for Donald Trump will lead to workers’ rights being ripped up if the Conservatives win the general election next month, the leader of Britain’s trade unionists has warned.
Labour’s Richard Burgon has said his party is committed to paying £58bn in compensation to the Waspi (Women Against State Pension Inequality) women because they were the victims of “theft”.Labour’s Richard Burgon has said his party is committed to paying £58bn in compensation to the Waspi (Women Against State Pension Inequality) women because they were the victims of “theft”.
Jeremy Corbyn has said that he can guarantee he will protect public libraries if Labour gets into power.Jeremy Corbyn has said that he can guarantee he will protect public libraries if Labour gets into power.
That’s all from me for tonight.That’s all from me for tonight.
My colleague Kevin Rawlinson is writing the blog now.My colleague Kevin Rawlinson is writing the blog now.
The latest edition of the Guardian’s Politics Weekly podcast has gone out. You can listen here:The latest edition of the Guardian’s Politics Weekly podcast has gone out. You can listen here:
This week, Heather Stewart is joined by Polly Mackenzie, James Morris, and Andrew Gimson. Plus: Kate Proctor calls in from the Labour campaign trail and Peter Walker explains why the Lib Dem campaign is struggling.This week, Heather Stewart is joined by Polly Mackenzie, James Morris, and Andrew Gimson. Plus: Kate Proctor calls in from the Labour campaign trail and Peter Walker explains why the Lib Dem campaign is struggling.
Claim: Nicola Sturgeon has said a key SNP demand in any post-election coalition talks with Labour is that the next UK government must raise NHS spending in England to Scottish levels, which are currently £136 a head higher. The SNP says that would mean £35bn extra in day to day NHS spending in England by 2023/24 compared to this year – more than any other party proposes.Claim: Nicola Sturgeon has said a key SNP demand in any post-election coalition talks with Labour is that the next UK government must raise NHS spending in England to Scottish levels, which are currently £136 a head higher. The SNP says that would mean £35bn extra in day to day NHS spending in England by 2023/24 compared to this year – more than any other party proposes.
Background: Every party boasts it will increase NHS spending but this is an audacious policy. Health policy in Scotland is totally devolved to Holyrood and the SNP has no remit over the NHS in England. Historically, Scotland has spent more on health than the rest of the UK because it has a far more dispersed rural population, many islands to service and higher rates of ill-health.Background: Every party boasts it will increase NHS spending but this is an audacious policy. Health policy in Scotland is totally devolved to Holyrood and the SNP has no remit over the NHS in England. Historically, Scotland has spent more on health than the rest of the UK because it has a far more dispersed rural population, many islands to service and higher rates of ill-health.
Sturgeon argues this extra English spending is justified to rectify the impacts of past austerity policies and, because Scottish funding is derived in part by how much is spent on the NHS in England, her government will get £4bn more from the Treasury in 2023/24.Sturgeon argues this extra English spending is justified to rectify the impacts of past austerity policies and, because Scottish funding is derived in part by how much is spent on the NHS in England, her government will get £4bn more from the Treasury in 2023/24.
Reality: Ben Zaranko, an analyst at the Institute for Fiscal Studies, says Labour plans to raise day to day NHS spending in England by £31.2bn by 2023/24; the Tories by £28.6bn and the Lib Dems by £30.5bn.Reality: Ben Zaranko, an analyst at the Institute for Fiscal Studies, says Labour plans to raise day to day NHS spending in England by £31.2bn by 2023/24; the Tories by £28.6bn and the Lib Dems by £30.5bn.
The SNP claims its plans would mean total English day-to-day NHS spending of £159.2bn in 2023/24. The IFS has different calculations. It says that Labour plans means the English NHS will have £154.9bn to spend in 2023/24 compared to £158.7bn under the SNP’s plans. That £3.8bn is a relatively small increase of 2.45%.The SNP claims its plans would mean total English day-to-day NHS spending of £159.2bn in 2023/24. The IFS has different calculations. It says that Labour plans means the English NHS will have £154.9bn to spend in 2023/24 compared to £158.7bn under the SNP’s plans. That £3.8bn is a relatively small increase of 2.45%.
Verdict: Sturgeon is right that the SNP’s proposals means higher NHS spending than the other parties propose. But the effects are not as great as the headline figure suggests and by 2023/24, NHS spending targets are almost certain to change as time goes on.Verdict: Sturgeon is right that the SNP’s proposals means higher NHS spending than the other parties propose. But the effects are not as great as the headline figure suggests and by 2023/24, NHS spending targets are almost certain to change as time goes on.
There have been a lot of polls now suggesting the Conservatives are on course for at least a decent majority. This is not necessarily helpful - if supporters think victory is in the bag, they might not turn out - and that probably explains why Dominic Cummings, the PM’s most influential policy adviser, has written a post on his blog with advice to Vote Leave reporters. Here is the key extract.There have been a lot of polls now suggesting the Conservatives are on course for at least a decent majority. This is not necessarily helpful - if supporters think victory is in the bag, they might not turn out - and that probably explains why Dominic Cummings, the PM’s most influential policy adviser, has written a post on his blog with advice to Vote Leave reporters. Here is the key extract.
Talking of MRP models (see 4.05pm), Best for Britain, the anti-Brexit group, has also commissioned its own MRP analysis, from Focaldata, and it suggests that the Conservatives could be on course for a majority of more than 80.Talking of MRP models (see 4.05pm), Best for Britain, the anti-Brexit group, has also commissioned its own MRP analysis, from Focaldata, and it suggests that the Conservatives could be on course for a majority of more than 80.
But Best for Britain is using the data to encourage tactical voting and it says that if 117,314 or more pro-EU voters were to vote tactically, then the Tories could be denied a majority.But Best for Britain is using the data to encourage tactical voting and it says that if 117,314 or more pro-EU voters were to vote tactically, then the Tories could be denied a majority.
Here is an extract from the Best for Britain news release.Here is an extract from the Best for Britain news release.
A result like this would translate into a majority of around 82. The press notice goes on:A result like this would translate into a majority of around 82. The press notice goes on:
Best for Britain is encouraging people to vote tactically in accordance with the recommendations on its tactical voting website.Best for Britain is encouraging people to vote tactically in accordance with the recommendations on its tactical voting website.
However, as I reported in a post on Monday, there are at least four other tactical voting websites which in some cases make different recommendations.However, as I reported in a post on Monday, there are at least four other tactical voting websites which in some cases make different recommendations.
The National Education Union - the merged NUT and ATL teachers’ unions - has released polling it commissioned of 1,000 voters with school-aged children in England, showing that 38% of parents plan to back Labour, compared with 33% for the Conservatives, 11% for Lib Dems, 9% for the Brexit party, and 4% for the Green party (excluding don’t knows).The National Education Union - the merged NUT and ATL teachers’ unions - has released polling it commissioned of 1,000 voters with school-aged children in England, showing that 38% of parents plan to back Labour, compared with 33% for the Conservatives, 11% for Lib Dems, 9% for the Brexit party, and 4% for the Green party (excluding don’t knows).
The polling breakdown showed a sharp division by age: 41% of those aged 18-34 backed Labour but just 27% of those aged 35-54. While only 15% of the younger group would vote Tory, support doubled to 30% among the older group.The polling breakdown showed a sharp division by age: 41% of those aged 18-34 backed Labour but just 27% of those aged 35-54. While only 15% of the younger group would vote Tory, support doubled to 30% among the older group.
The polling was carried out by Deltapoll last week as the parties unveiled their manifestos and education pledges. The NHS was named as an important election issue by 55% while education was mentioned by 28%, close to the 29% who named Brexit as a key issue. Some 54% of parents agreed funding for their local schools was insufficient.The polling was carried out by Deltapoll last week as the parties unveiled their manifestos and education pledges. The NHS was named as an important election issue by 55% while education was mentioned by 28%, close to the 29% who named Brexit as a key issue. Some 54% of parents agreed funding for their local schools was insufficient.
Mary Bousted, the NEU’s joint general secretary, said:Mary Bousted, the NEU’s joint general secretary, said:
The poll showed one surprising result: Labour was the most popular party among parents with children at private schools, despite its manifesto policy of adding VAT to school fees. Some 42% backed Labour while 30% backed the Tories, although the poll appears to significantly over-represent the proportion of parents with children at private schools.The poll showed one surprising result: Labour was the most popular party among parents with children at private schools, despite its manifesto policy of adding VAT to school fees. Some 42% backed Labour while 30% backed the Tories, although the poll appears to significantly over-represent the proportion of parents with children at private schools.
Charles Clarke, who was home secretary when Tony Blair was prime minister, told Emma Barnett on Radio 5 Live earlier that, if there were a hung parliament, Labour could ditch Jeremy Corbyn as leader. He explained:Charles Clarke, who was home secretary when Tony Blair was prime minister, told Emma Barnett on Radio 5 Live earlier that, if there were a hung parliament, Labour could ditch Jeremy Corbyn as leader. He explained:
Clarke also said he thought Corbyn’s refusal to apologise to the Jewish community in last night’s interview with Andrew Neil was “disgraceful”.Clarke also said he thought Corbyn’s refusal to apologise to the Jewish community in last night’s interview with Andrew Neil was “disgraceful”.