News Article Title Version Source Discovered
El Paso aid agencies overwhelmed as 1,600 migrants are cast on to streets 2 guardian
Berkeley police posted activists' mugshots on Twitter and celebrated retweets, emails reveal 4 guardian
Coalition pushes for voter identification laws and launches attack on GetUp 2 guardian
Port Talbot’s Banksy cordoned off from fans 1 guardian
Nauru doctor wins global free speech award for speaking out on offshore immigration 1 guardian
MPs' anti-bullying rules will cover Speaker, Leadsom suggests 2 guardian
'They played us': Italy's political turmoil angers backers of populist coalition 6 guardian
Outrage at 'anti-democratic' bomb blast at Athens TV station 1 guardian
Glasgow School of Art: sprinklers had not been fitted after first fire 4 guardian
Māori Santa invited to Wellington parade after racist boos in hometown 1 guardian
Nepal plane crash caused by 'emotionally disturbed' captain 2 guardian
'Hi-tech robot' at Russia forum turns out to be man in suit 2 guardian
Glasgow refuse workers walk out in support of cleaners' pay strike 8 guardian
Build a wall across the Sahara? That's crazy – but someone still did it 3 guardian
Russian investigators deny explosives caused deadly building blast 3 guardian
Deaths at sea expose flaws of Italy-Libya migration pact 3 guardian