News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Child sex trafficking rife in Colombia's picturesque Cartagena 1 guardian
Texas town denounces 'twisted and shameful' camp for migrant children 3 guardian
Der Spiegel takes the blame for scandal of reporter who faked stories 1 guardian
In one Welsh mosque, the disaster in Yemen hits home hard 2 guardian
Rule of law 'virtually absent' in Venezuela, UN report says 3 guardian
Democrats Fall Short in Effort to Rebuke Administration on Russia Sanctions 1 nytimes
London state school secures 41 Oxbridge offers 0 bbc
Melbourne becomes first city with all council infrastructure powered by renewables 1 guardian
Duterte Harry's drugs war: how one family was destroyed 1 guardian
Educating Greater Manchester school put into special measures 2 guardian
The Guardian view on tidal energy: cost is not the whole story 2 guardian
Nevada judge stalls execution after company objects to use of its drug 3 guardian
How England's Kelly Smith became one of the faces of the World Cup in the US 2 guardian
Amazon Alexa crashes after Christmas Day overload 2 guardian
The death of the department store, a place out of time 2 guardian
NHS to launch first internet addiction clinic 2 guardian