News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Fake views: can you spot the city copy? 4 guardian
Jeremy Corbyn denies promising to wipe graduates' student debts 5 guardian
Duchess of Cambridge is admitted to hospital for birth of second child 4 guardian
Greek debt crisis: ‘People can’t see any light at the end of any tunnel’ 5 guardian
Three die as Storm Ophelia batters Ireland and Britain 17 guardian
Parasite architecture: inside the self-built studio hanging under a bridge in Valencia 5 guardian
Ferry McFerryface unmasked: FOI reveals minister chose name, not the public 4 guardian
Disability service providers warn NDIS pricing could force them to shut down 6 guardian
Fears for residents as cladding on 14 tower blocks fails fire tests 10 guardian
Parasite architecture: inside the self-built studio hanging under a bridge in Valencia 5 guardian
X’s case is only latest in shocking saga of children’s mental health care 5 guardian
'We die or they die': Rohingya insurgency sparks fresh violence in Myanmar 6 guardian
Asic could pursue criminal charges against Rio Tinto executives 4 guardian
Anti-depressants: Major study finds they work 1 bbc
Stansted Airport plan for 43 million passengers 0 bbc
Justin Trudeau's 'Bollywood' wardrobe amuses Indians 2 bbc