News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Arts minister places UK export bar on £26.2m Francesco Guardi painting 4 guardian
Stanislav Petrov obituary 4 guardian
Supreme court gives Hawaii till Tuesday to answer Trump travel ban motion 4 guardian
'Absolutely shocking': Niger Delta oil spills linked with infant deaths 4 guardian
North Korea: US detects signs of new missile test, official says 5 guardian
New iPhones: why is Apple's pricing the same in pounds and dollars? 5 guardian
Tech bosses limit their kids’ time on smartphones: why shouldn’t we? 4 guardian
Catalans are bewildered. What exactly is a ‘republic in suspension’? 4 guardian
Marriott apologises to China over Tibet and Taiwan error 4 guardian
UK universities face disruption as staff back industrial action 5 guardian
Money for nothing: is Finland's universal basic income trial too good to be true? 4 guardian
Obese people deserve surgical treatment, too 4 guardian
In Houston, wayward alligators look to return home, too 4 guardian
New Zealand to drug test high school rugby teams 4 guardian
Dreamers react to Trump's Daca dispute: 'we feel like bargaining chips' 6 guardian
The Guardian view on Theresa May’s reshuffle: is that all there is? 4 guardian