News Article Title Version Source Discovered
UN chief urges Myanmar to end military operations in Rohingya crisis 6 guardian
Lord Bhattacharyya: Professor Fix-it of British industry 5 guardian
Head of Angola's wealth fund fired after Paradise Papers revelations 4 guardian
Spare us the moral hysteria that threatens a new age of censorship 5 guardian
Percentage of A&E patients treated within four hours at lowest ever level 8 guardian
Mexico protesters fear US-owned brewery will drain their land dry 3 guardian
Cameroon separatist leader detained in Nigeria as unrest grows 4 guardian
Universal credit: six-week wait key obstacle to its success, MPs say 7 guardian
Justine Damond's death is a tragedy – as every police killing in America is 6 guardian
May condemns Toby Young's comments but backs him keeping OfS post 4 guardian
German parliament votes to legalise same-sex marriage 10 guardian
Only 23% of the world's politicians are women. It's time for that to change 4 guardian
Gender-neutral activist takes UK passports case to high court 4 guardian
German parliament votes to legalise same-sex marriage 12 guardian
UK consumers told to keep apples in fridge as part of wider labelling shake-up 4 guardian
Robert Mugabe sacks vice-president to clear path to power for wife 5 guardian