News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Have you been affected by the fire at Grenfell Tower? 4 guardian
Aboriginal woman jailed for unpaid fines after call to police 4 guardian
Republicans denounce bigotry after Trump's latest Charlottesville remarks 14 guardian
Was Trump aiming at North Korea's Rocket Man or his friend next door? 3 guardian
‘America has so much, can’t they help?’: Nigerians fear effect of Trump cuts 4 guardian
Leonard Barden on Chess 2 guardian
Racism against Travellers and Gypsies is still permissible – even in parliament 2 guardian
Brexit: David Davis and Michel Barnier begin discussions in Brussels 2 guardian
Robert Langdon in Catalonia: Dan Brown’s Origin picks bad day to launch 4 guardian
Fightback begins over Trump's 'illegal and irresponsible' clean power repeal 4 guardian
Fact check: Aung San Suu Kyi's speech on the Rohingya crisis 2 guardian
Labor demands Turnbull ally be ruled out as next head of corporate regulator 2 guardian
Personal budgets: why do councils still call the shots on care? 2 guardian
Brexit: David Davis and Michel Barnier begin discussions in Brussels 2 guardian
Second man arrested on suspicion of murdering Ellen Higginbottom 2 guardian
Brexit could leave Britain with a bare larder, farmers warn 3 guardian