News Article Title Version Source Discovered
How long before the EU does away with English? 3 guardian
Paedophile campaigners convicted of sexual assaults against boys 3 guardian
SNP questions Scotland Office budget rise 1 bbc
Link between high executive pay and performance 'negligible', study finds 0 independent
West Bromwich shooting: Man shot in the head while sitting in car 0 independent
Benjamin Netanyahu 'warned UN settlement vote a declaration of war' 2 independent
2nd black box from crashed Tu-154 recovered from seabed – Russian MoD 1 rtcom
Is my face attractive? You asked Google – here’s the answer 0 guardian
Banking standards: treacherous political waters lie ahead 0 guardian
Netanyahu 'told New Zealand backing UN vote would be declaration of war' 0 guardian
Man shot dead while sitting in car in West Bromwich town centre 0 guardian
Women's binge drinking given more coverage than men's, says study 1 bbc
White House races to save Middle East peace process before Trump takes office 8 guardian
George Michael's friends and family 'touched beyond words' by tributes 7 guardian
Appeal to trace Stockton Good Samaritans who helped man in road 0 bbc
What stories hit the headlines in London in 2016? 0 bbc