News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Donald Trump's campaign simply tells angry people what they want to hear 1 guardian
How to get that job: Dermot Murnaghan, news broadcaster and presenter 0 independent
Jeremy Hunt launches urgent inquiry into junior doctors' morale 0 independent
Soaring rents in Portland lead to more evictions and homelessness 1 guardian
François Hollande brings Greens to government in cabinet reshuffle 1 guardian
Mexico prison riot leaves 52 dead near Monterrey 7 bbc
Trial of Reinhold Hanning, Ex-Auschwitz Guard, Opens in Germany 2 nytimes
Oregon militia standoff: holdouts agree to stand down after negotiations – live 5 guardian
George Washington slave cake book's author had concerns with Scholastic 0 guardian
10,000 refugee children are missing, says Europol 1 guardian
Meet the Trumps: they could just become America's first family 0 guardian
'We can't be stretched thinner': junior doctors respond to Jeremy Hunt 0 guardian
Toxic chemicals found in beached pilot whales in Scotland 0 guardian
Police say bones found in Manassas woods are those of a murder victim 0 washpo
A lawsuit, another victim and more victims likely to come: Child-porn investigation widens at elementary school 0 washpo
Sian Blake murder case: Arthur Simpson-Kent to fly home 0 bbc