News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Smile like you mean it if you're working for Amazon 0 independent
Rothschild vs Rothschild as the feuding dynasty heads to the courts 0 independent
Blue sky for Thomas Cook as summer bookings soar 0 independent
Interest rates to stay down as Bank of England's 'swing voter' rejects hike 0 independent
Starbucks to help staff with rent deposits 0 independent
Rugby World Cup: Pringles sales up 150% at Waitrose 0 independent
Kroger, the largest supermarket chain in the US, extends health insurance to cover gender reassignment 0 independent
Ministers disagree over whether Britain should work with the Saudi Arabian prison system 0 independent
Isis blows up three ancient tower tombs as destruction in Palmyra continues 2 independent
Refugee crisis: Thousands prepare to march through London as UK waits for Cameron to act 3 independent
Ukip candidate sparks outrage after blaming Aylan Kurdi's 'greedy' parents for his death 4 independent
ISIS Forces That Now Control Ramadi Are Ex-Baathist Saddam Loyalists 1 theintercept
Does it matter where a country's leader is born? 0 bbc
Are these the nicest cabins in the world? 0 bbc
The grim reality of a suicide bomb 0 bbc
Cologne attacks: Germans left feeling vulnerable 0 bbc