News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Kentucky officers kill convicted rapist and suspected cop killer 0 independent
US boots on the ground in Syria: 50 special forces troops to be dispatched in fight against Isis 0 independent
Major aid groups call on U.S. to accept more Syrian refugees 0 washpo
Georgia Lawmakers Approve a New Prime Minister 2 nytimes
Police: Brothers at playground abducted, threatened younger kids 0 washpo
Rolling Stone magazine targeted in $25m fraternity lawsuit 0 independent
Central African Republic Elections, Long Delayed, Are Peaceful 5 nytimes
Bank of England stress test results contain warning on buy-to-let housing market 0 independent
Is political impressionism doomed? 0 bbc
Jeremy Corbyn remains silent during national anthem at commemoration service 5 independent
'Dancing Cop' says he was fired over Black Lives Matter protest 0 independent
Russia accuses Turkey of 'hypocrisy' after Erdogan admits airspace violation 'does not justify attack' 0 independent
Iran’s Missile Tests Remind the U.S. That Hostilities Have Not Ended 1 nytimes
Release of 1985 Race Riots Memo Prompts Apology From Cameron Aide 4 nytimes
Essay: Refusing to say a killer’s name is no more than symbolic empowerment 0 washpo
Russia Expands Sanctions Against Turkey After Downing of Jet 2 nytimes