News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Cellphone Contacts in Paris Attacks Suggest Foreign Coordination 2 nytimes
Chinese shares rise on last trading day of 2015 1 bbc
No. 6 Old Mill defeats North Point to win Waldorf Holiday Hoops Classic 0 washpo
Venezuela court suspends three new opposition MPs 0 bbc
Climate Chaos, Across the Map 0 nytimes
Can Bernie Sanders win over Latino voters? 0 washpo
Pope Francis says leaks won’t deter him from reform agenda 0 washpo
UK sees deflation again in October as wine and spirits get cheaper 0 independent
Ring bearer and flower girl marry 17 years after they first walked down the aisle together 0 independent
London luxury property double the price of New York as buyers look to Manhattan 0 independent
Tony Benn 1992 speech: Labour MP's address to Commons about Britain's wars in the Middle East shared by thousands 0 independent
Isis attacks: Thomas Cook sees Canaries, North America and Mexico holiday bookings rise 0 independent
Paris attacks: French Muslim council proposes 'licence to preach' for imams to stop Islamist extremism 0 independent
Why Jeremy Corbyn was wearing a white ribbon at Prime Minister's Questions 0 independent
Michael Gove must navigate a political minefield before Tories can scrap the Human Rights Act 3 independent
Lord Speaker's expenses reveal £230 bill for chauffeur to wait outside opera 5 guardian