News Article Title Version Source Discovered
.wales and .cymru domain names available for all 0 bbc
Jihadi John: Mohammed Emwazi 'considered suicide to escape MI5 spies' before fleeing to Syria 2 independent
Police investigate suspicious death in Hamilton 1 bbc
Police officers injured by objects including a brick thrown at illegal rave 0 independent
Jihadi John: MI5 accused of letting jihadists 'slip through the net' under relaxed anti-terror laws 0 independent
Syria girls: CCTV shows UK teenagers at Istanbul bus station 7 bbc
Boris Nemtsov murder: Thousands set to march in Moscow 2 bbc
A bad week for the Greens: Natalie Bennett's embarrassing radio interview is followed by Brighton council's failure t... 2 independent
UK Pegida rally met with thousands at counter-protests in Newcastle 2 independent
Catholic leader Vincent Nichols: 'Test parties on immigration' 0 bbc
NI students 'training for wrong careers' says PathXL head 0 bbc
Tunstall flat death: Man, 47, charged with the murder of a woman 0 bbc
Labour denies Owen Smith is blocking further devolution 0 bbc
Walworth baby knife-threat man stabs police officer twice 0 bbc
Coalition row over 'hate preachers' on university campuses 0 bbc
A bad week for the Greens: Leader Natalie Bennett’s embarrassing radio interview is followed by Brighton council’s fa... 1 independent