News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Charlie Hebdo attack: Three days of terror 1 bbc
Charlie Hebdo attack: Three days of terror 0 bbc
The data on white anxiety over Hispanic immigration 1 washpo
The data on white anxiety over Hispanic immigration 0 washpo
Paris unity rally: France on the march for fraternity and for freedom 1 guardian
Paris unity rally: France on the march for fraternity and for freedom 0 guardian
Politics can help to overcome terrorism 1 guardian
Politics can help to overcome terrorism 0 guardian
Charlie Hebdo: the danger of polarised debate 1 guardian
Charlie Hebdo: the danger of polarised debate 0 guardian
David Cameron: ‘snoopers charter’ will re-appear after Tory election win 2 guardian
David Cameron: ‘snoopers charter’ will re-appear after Tory election win 1 guardian
David Cameron: ‘snoopers charter’ will re-appear after Tory election win 0 guardian
For Cameron and Miliband, Paris is act one of the UK general election 1 guardian
For Cameron and Miliband, Paris is act one of the UK general election 0 guardian
Defence and military manufacture makes a comeback as Japan struggles with its wartime legacy 1 independent