News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Defence and military manufacture makes a comeback as Japan struggles with its wartime legacy 0 independent
Paris march: Political divide exposed as politicians who repress freedom of speech join rally 2 independent
Paris march: Political divide exposed as politicians who repress freedom of speech join rally 1 independent
Paris march: Political divide exposed as politicians who repress freedom of speech join rally 0 independent
Croatia elects conservative in presidential election runoff 0 guardian
If Europe is to overcome Islamist terror, it needs to fight for the values it holds dear 0 guardian
Nigeria: two suspected child suicide bombers attack market 1 guardian
Nigeria: two suspected child suicide bombers attack market 0 guardian
UK drug firm Shire to buy US rival in $5.2bn deal 2 bbc
UK drug firm Shire to buy US rival in $5.2bn deal 1 bbc
UK drug firm Shire to buy US rival in $5.2bn deal 0 bbc
U.S. to raise fuel efficiency standards for larger trucks 10 washpo
U.S. to raise fuel efficiency standards for larger trucks 9 washpo
Europe looks to Syriza for hope of change 0 guardian
The pencil can be as lethal as the sword 0 guardian
Alexander McQueen’s menswear show is a thing of savage beauty 1 guardian