News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Unicef Calls 2014 One of Worst Years on Record for World’s Children 0 nytimes
Who is Jackie? Rolling Stone's rape story is about a person – and I believe her 0 guardian
The ban on books for prisoners is over. But how did it happen in the first place? 0 guardian
Christmas gifts need not be expensive, says archbishop 0 guardian
Bus firms not required to force parents with buggies to move for wheelchairs 0 guardian
Tory MP admits playing Candy Crush during committee 1 bbc
LA fire: Two major highways closed as 200 firefighters battle 'huge' fire in Los Angeles 1 independent
Midwife facing unborn baby drugs charges: Hearing postponed 1 bbc
Clifton Suspension Bridge: Brunel's bridge marks 150 years 1 bbc
Typhoon Hagupit: Images show Philippines villagers' resilience as they return to devastation of tropical storm 0 independent
'Nut rage' delayed Korean Air plane 0 bbc
Release of Six Detainees After Twelve Years Highlights the Historic Evil of Guantánamo 3 theintercept
Shrien Dewani murder case thrown out by South African judge 2 bbc
Yemen hostage rescue: US 'won't review' raids policy 3 bbc
Hundreds sign Borders hospitals closure petition 0 bbc
Canada closes Cairo embassy over security fears 0 bbc