News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Unbowed, Putin Chews the Scenery in Milan 0 nytimes
Recriminations Follow Deaths of Hikers in Nepal 6 nytimes
Woman who fell ill near Pentagon does not have Ebola 7 washpo
MS-13 members charged in 3 killings, attempted murder in Northern Virginia 0 washpo
ISIS Keeps Up Pressure Near Baghdad as Iraqi Troops Stumble 0 nytimes
Woman who fell ill near Pentagon does not have Ebola 6 washpo
Hong Kong protests: Police use pepper spray in new clashes 5 bbc
ISIS Militants in Syrian Border Town Begin to Retreat After a Monthlong Battle 0 nytimes
'Ban E-cigarette use indoors,' says WHO 6 bbc
Ebola crisis: WHO accused of 'failure' in early response 2 bbc
Hurricane Gonzalo pounds Bermuda with strong storms 2 bbc
UK police to help investigate British tourist murders 3 bbc
Protesters Push Back On Police in Hong Kong 3 nytimes
Hong Kong protests: Calm before the new storm on the barricades 1 independent
Cancer test waiting time in England would be one week by 2020, Labour pledges 2 bbc
Ebola crisis: UN launches urgent appeal for donations 5 bbc