News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Scotland Rejects Independence From Britain in Historic Vote 8 nytimes
China Fines GlaxoSmithKline Nearly $500 Million in Bribery Case 4 nytimes
China Fines GlaxoSmithKline Nearly $500 Million in Bribery Case 4 nytimes
Alibaba, China’s king of web retail, to debut on stock market and world stage 1 washpo
Spain Seeks to Curb Law Allowing Judges to Pursue Cases Globally 4 nytimes
Backlash has begun against gluten-free dieters 0 washpo
Western lifestyles fuel growing obesity epidemic in Nigeria 1 guardian
Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is moved to outpatient care at Texas military base 0 washpo
Assessing the theories about Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370’s disappearance 3 washpo
NFL’s Wembley success could lead to a permanent London team 1 guardian
Business 'relief' over Scotland's rejection of independence 4 bbc
Eight charged after slavery raids in Devon and Cornwall 4 bbc
The tiny Ebola clinic that offers a ray of hope for rural Liberia 2 washpo
Scottish referendum: Scotland votes 'No' to independence 13 bbc
Carwyn Jones: Wales 'must receive more funding' 4 bbc
Japan’s Abe must deal with grim economic news and a muddled strategy 0 washpo