News Article Title Version Source Discovered
MH17 victim Liam Sweeney formally named to family 'relief' 0 bbc
U.S. General Is Killed in Attack at Afghan Base, Officials Say 6 nytimes
U.N. Reports Dire Impact on Children in Gaza Strip 1 nytimes
Cameron rejects Warsi criticism over Gaza 3 bbc
Dozens of police officers detained as Turkey expands wiretapping inquiry 0 independent
Church of England embroiled in another alleged child abuse scandal after Bishop of Gloucester's shock resignation 0 independent
#BBCtrending: The mystery Turk gagged on Twitter 3 bbc
Ebola outbreak: Stricken US missionary staff ‘improving’ after taking untested serum 1 independent
Lady Warsi resigns over UK’s ‘morally reprehensible’ stance on Gaza 9 guardian
Sayeeda Warsi’s departure exposes David Cameron’s most basic flaw 0 guardian
'Tweeting' Irish terrier Vimes falls 300ft off cliff 1 bbc
England women beat Spain to secure second successive World Cup win 1 guardian
Afghan soldier attack on UK army camp kills US general 1 bbc
Afghan soldier kills US general in attack on military academy outside Kabul 2 guardian
Gaza: Mapping the human cost 2 bbc
Islamist militants free seized Lebanese policemen in ‘goodwill gesture’ 0 independent